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Age, your weight loss and weight gain, coupled with gravity work on fattening and bulging the tummy. Often, in women, pregnancy and childbirth leaves its mark in more ways than one and the biggest tell tale sign is the abdomen.
Sometimes, people lose a lot of weight all over due to dieting and exercise. While it is a good thing, weight loss means loose skin that sags and hangs around looking decidedly unsightly.
The results in a job well done, are marvellous. A perfect surgeon is needed for bodies to shape up well after all that extra blubber has been removed and skin tightened.
As usual, several factors must be taken into consideration before performing a tummy tuck. The procedure can help men and women achieve flatter, tighter, smoother mid-sections by removing excess skin and fat. A good surgeon will tighten weakened abdominal muscles.
A very common surgery, it creates a thinner waistline, and is very popular among those who desire the perfect shape.
However, those living under the misconception that it will help you lose weight, banish the thought. A tummy tuck is not a weight reduction substitute. To lose weight you will have to watch what you eat and exercise, in a 60:40 ratio.
Anyone who has one or more of the following conditions:
A Full Tummy Tuck works on all three components, treating conditions related to the skin, fat and stomach muscles. The surgery repairs weakened abdominal muscles and removes excessive skin/fat through tightening, surgical removal and, often, liposuction.
Patients lose a number of inches from their waist, making them very happy.
A Mini Tummy Tuck is a great way to achieve the flatter, firmer body contour you want. It is performed as an outpatient surgery but employs general anesthesia and does not have the complications, nor is as invasive as a Full Tummy Tuck. The Mini Tummy Tuck has a much smaller incision that does not require detachment of the belly button. Extra skin, tissue and fat are removed through the incision. The rectus muscles, or the ‘six packs’, are tightened with sutures. Any excess fat is liposuction-ed out and produces very good results. Sutures are placed to close the incision and drains may be inserted to drain out excess fluids.
Although the belly button is not touched, it often improves because the skin is pulled downward to make it taut, thereby creating a more pleasing shape.
As with any surgery some discomfort is a given. Prescribed medicine controls it, though. Remember to walk around slowly for the first two to three days. Bend forward so as to prevent any tension on the incision. A compression garment will be prescribed for three weeks after the surgery to control swelling and help skin adhere to its new sleeker silhouette better. The compression garment aids proper healing of mini tummy tuck scars.
Depending on your comfort levels, you could get back to work in as little as two weeks. The resulting scar small, however, focus on rest and recovery for successful healing.
For more information on our procedures or if you are interested in scheduling an appointment please reach us here, or by clicking on the QR code below. We will let you know if you are a good candidate for the procedure, and can recommend any additional treatments that can help you reach your beauty goals.