Successful Treatment For Grade IV Gynecomastia
Enlarged breast tissues in males is often a psychosocial mishap in teenagers and even adults. Surgical approach at the right time may prevent individual from psychological distress which contributes a negative impact on self-confidence. In most of the cases surgical intervention is planned when gynecomastia does not regress spontaneously or when leading a person to severe mental distress.
The most common surgical techniques employed for grade IV gynecomastia are,
(1) Double incision mastectomy with free nipple areolar graft.
(2) Pedicled breast reduction with inverted T scar.
(3) Circum areolar skin excision and purse string sutures.
As there is excess skin and sagging in grade IV gynecomastia surgical treatment aims in removing the chest fat, excess skin with the above mentioned treatment modalities but unfortunately these traditional techniques leaves behind an unacceptable scar.
Chennai plastic surgery with their recent experience has developed an exclusive surgical technique where there is no sagging after surgical treatment, and even if present, is very minimal. The main highlight of this surgery is there are no visible scars like other surgical techniques. To facilitate aesthetic chest surface, we advise patients to use compression garment for a period of 1 to 2 months. Hence patient’s satisfaction with best cosmetic results are achieved after a couple of months post-surgery for grade IV gynecomastia.