
The word melasma is derived from Greek ‘melas’ which means ‘black’. Melasma or ‘mangu’ or ‘mask of pregnancy’ is a recurring and a prominent skin problem amongst dark skin. Melasma is presented with hyperpigmentation [dark patches] extending from cheeks, nose, forehead and sometimes the neck too.
The cause for melasma are multifactorial.
Role of light: with sun being the main culprit, sun exposed area is more prone for melasma.
Gender: Women of reproductive age are more affected than men.
Drugs: Some drugs exerts direct action on melanocytes and produces pigmentations on the skin.
Hormonal: Hyperpigmentation will be like blotchy patches on the sides of your face, like a badly applied bronzer. In many women it is like a shot term annoyance and vanishes soon after the delivery. But in few, the regression is slow and the pigmentation retains which worsens due to sun exposure.
Alright ladies, it’s enough cursing the internet for showing you all home care remedies which says that you can come completely out of melasma which is not happening. The fact is you can’t completely get away with it. No cures has been found as yet. But this is harmless other than the aesthetic reasons.
Physicians are now aided in utilizing modalities and procedural therapies to help people having melasma. Basically there are many different ways to treat melasma depending upon the severity scale.
- The exact step one should take to keep melasma under control is, do not step out without a sunscreen.
- Topical hydroquinone, kojic acids, arbutin and retinols plays an important role in treating melasma.
- Oral antifibrinolytic medicament coverage.
- Recommended chemical peels.
- Melasma is also very sensitive to body’s circulating hormonal influence which really needs a check often.