Exclusive Acne & Acne Scars Treatment | Chennai Plastic Surgery

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Exclusive Acne & Acne Scar Management India

Exclusive Acne & Acne Scar ManagementAcne is an inflammatory skin condition which results in comedones (black heads), papules and pustules and more severe nodules and cysts. Acne occurs more commonly in adolescence, affecting face, chest and back.

Chennai Plastic Surgery offers wide variety of treatment for the acne and the scarring. Our dermatologist will assess your skin condition and offer treatments with topical therapies and oral medications to prevent acne. Following, the control of acne breakouts we will offer the best-suited treatment for the scarring.

Most often, we combine two or more treatments to battle against both acne and the scarring. The various treatments for scarring includes:

  • Appropriate Chemical peel formulations Obagi products to fight against post inflammatory hyperpigmentation and acne scars.
  • Laser resurfacing for deep scars.
  • Derma roller along with medical formulations to promote collagen formation and skin resurfacing.

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Schedule a Consultation Today

For more information on our procedures or if you are interested in scheduling an appointment please reach us here, or by clicking on the QR code below. We will let you know if you are a good candidate for the procedure, and can recommend any additional treatments that can help you reach your beauty goals.