Every man has six pack abs. And every woman has curves, not bulges. It takes a little help to reveal them. Liposuction.
Liposuction, ab & pectoral etching, tummy tuck, arm lift, neck liposuction, butt lift
Individual Results May Vary
Why choose Chennai Plastic Surgery
Chennai Plastic Surgery, has world class facilities using the latest and the best technology available globally. Every staff member at Chennai Plastic Surgery is trained to treat you with kid-gloved care, so when you leave, it is with a happy smile on a beautifully sculpted body.
You would imagine liposuction and body contouring is expensive. It is not. At Chennai Plastic Surgery, you get customized, world class liposuction and body contouring done at an affordable cost.
The team of doctors includes highly reputed and qualified specialists who will instantly put you at ease.Every staff member at Chennai Plastic Surgery is trained to treat you with kid-gloved care, so when you leave, it is with a happy smile on a beautifully sculpted body.