Forehead & Eyebrow Lift Surgery | Chennai Plastic Surgery

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Forehead Lift India

Aging typically causes the brows to move down. Heavy eyebrows and drooping of the outer corners of the brow create outer upper eyelid hooding. As we age, non-surgical procedures are no longer an option. A Brow Lift, also known as a Forehead Lift, reduces the wrinkles that develop horizontally across the forehead, as well as those that occur between the eyes. It is designed to improve the appearance of the forehead area by surgically correcting the creases and sagging of the forehead, drooping eyebrows and/or upper eyelids placing them back in an alert and youthful position.

Forehead Lift can be performed in isolation or combined with other procedures such as a facelift, eyelid surgery or nose reshaping. It tightens the soft tissues of the forehead, thereby restoring a more youthful contour. It is most often done on people in their forties to sixties to hide the effects of aging, taking years off their face.

Indications for a forehead lift / brow lift:

You can decide to take up a consultation for a Forehead Lift if you aim to achieve any / all of the below:

  • Reduce wrinkles and folds in the brow, forehead and eye corners
  • Smooth the forehead
  • Raise outer 1/3rd of brows
  • Lift sagging cheeks
  • Remove or reduce hooding over upper eyelids
  • Smooth “crow’s feet” around the eyes
  • Give “sleepy” eyes a wider and more open appearance

Making the decision – after the consultation

Your preliminary consultation with our Cosmetic / Plastic Surgeon will include an understanding of your skin type, degree of skin elasticity, ethnicity, age, detailed medical history and your mental and emotional attitudes to arrive at the type of Forehead Lift that might best suit you. Our surgeon will brief you of the technique involved, anesthesia etc.

At Chennai Plastic Surgery, our experienced surgeons analyse where the volume has been lost and the reasons behind the sagging, thereby providing a more apt treatment option and prepare the patient for realistic outcomes.

What to expect before the procedure?

You will be advised to stop smoking at least four weeks before surgery. Besides, the surgeon shall advice you to avoid certain medications such as Aspirin (blood thinning agents).

How is the procedure performed?

Based on variations in aging and new medical advances, different methods are used to perform this procedure. Each procedure lasts between 1 to 2 hours.

The surgeon might suggest one of the below procedures:

  • Traditional Forehead Lift Surgery
  • Endoscopic Forehead Lift Surgery
  • Temporal Brow Lift Surgery


At Chennai Plastic Surgery, the procedure is performed under general anesthesia. An incision is made behind the hairline, across the forehead. The skin is lifted from the underlying tissue and muscle; and brows repositioned. If required, the surgeon removes part of the muscle that causes frown lines in between the brows. The skin is then tightened and any excess skin is removed and incision closed.


The Endoscopic Forehead Lift Surgery is also performed under general anesthesia. In this, several small incisions are made along the scalp. Using an endoscope (specialized camera) and specialized equipments, the forehead skin is lifted, brows repositioned and muscle tissue removed. Any excessive skin is removed and incision closed.


The Temporal Brow Lift Surgery is also performed under general anesthesia. The procedure involves the surgeon making approximately one-inch incisions behind the hairline, just above the forehead. The underlying tissue of the brow area is then lifted and repositioned for the desired results.

A Lateral Brow Lift accomplishes most of the goals with small, invisible incisions that are hidden in the hairline. As a result, it is used more often for people who need less dramatic results or in combination with other procedures.

What to expect after the procedure

Following the procedure, the sutured area is wrapped with a sterile dressing and an elastic bandage to prevent swelling. Most people will have mild swelling and, in some cases, mild pain following the procedure. There also may be bruising in the temples and even around the corners of the eyes. You are advised to keep your head a little elevated for 2 to 3 days to prevent swelling. Bruising and swelling begin to disappear in a few days or a week.

You may experience numbness and temporary discomfort in the region, which can be managed with medication. Patients undergoing a Traditional Forehead Lift may also experience itching at the incision.

The bandages will be removed 1 or 2 days following the surgery. Following this, you are free to shampoo and shower. And within the next 10 to 14 days, the stitches will be removed in 2 stages. You should be able to resume normal activities, including work, within a few days of the procedure. You can usually begin strenuous activities such as exercise around two weeks after the procedure. Limit exposure to sun for several weeks.

Hair strands will thin out around the cuts for a few months but the hair shall start growing again normally as the scar settles. Hair shall not regrow on the line of the actual scar and can be hidden by adjusting your hairdo. In any case, this scar is easily camouflaged in the natural skin creases by our skillful surgeons.

What are the risks associated with the procedure

Forehead Lifts are relatively safe. However, a loss of sensation along the incision sometimes occurs. Most often it is temporary and will settle in a few days. Very rarely, the procedure could result in paralysis around the eyebrows and lower forehead. The only sensible way to avoid such complications is to select an experienced and qualified surgeon who can address them promptly.

Other than these, one can also expect:

  • Infections
  • Hair loss at incision site
  • Scarring
BEFOREForehead Lift
AFTERForehead Lift
BEFOREForehead Lift
AFTERForehead Lift

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QR code At Chennai Plastic Surgery, year after year, a number of people undergo successful Forehead Lift in the hands of our experienced Plastic and Cosmetic Surgeons, and are pleased with the outcomes. We offer different types of lift surgeries to suit individual needs, all of which offer natural looking results.


Are the any medical conditions that could cause problems during or after surgery?
Is a forehead lift only for aged individuals?