Facelift Surgery (Rhytidectomy) | Chennai Plastic Surgery

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Top Facelift Surgeons in India for a Natural Look

Facelift is a procedure to surgically improve visible signs of ageing in the face and neck. But it is important to bear in mind that it does not change ones fundamental appearance nor stop the ongoing aging process. Non surgical treatments cannot match the outcome of a surgical facelift but can buy time before its time for a facelift.

Indications for a facelift

The ideal candidates for facelift are men and women who exhibit one or more of the issues listed below:

  • Mid face sagging
  • Deep creases appearing below lower eyelids
  • Deep creases extending between the nose and mouth (Nasolabial folds)
  • Jowls
  • Double chin

How does facelift work?

A facelift essentially brings about the youthful appearance by the following means:

  • Tightens the floppy muscles to improve the tone
  • Removes excess skin to give a better definition
  • Repositions and eliminates excess fat to create sleeker contour
  • Enfolds the skin to banish deep creases
  • Rejuvenates the entire face


The nasolabial folds known as the smile lines or the laugh lines when become prominent are considered to be one of most commonest aging sign. These lines can be corrected using fat transfer or a filler. Facelift is also done to minimize the depth of these folds. However these folds when deep and flabby could not be corrected with the above mentioned treatments. This is where direct excision plays a vital role.

The direct excision of extremely deep nasolabial folds is a quite reasonable procedure. Most of the times this procedure is done as an adjunct to facelifts.


  • Minimal recovery time since it is a small procedure.
  • Gives dramatic change to the midface aging.
  • Drain is not necessary.
  • Corrects inelastic and excessive skin.


  • Only the midface is improved.
  • Sometimes the vertical scar may be unfavorable..
  • Drain is not necessary.
  • Not a substitute for face lift.
BEFORENaso Labial Fold
AFTERNaso Labial Fold

View Facelift Gallery

What to expect during the consultation?

Your preliminary consultation with our Cosmetic / Plastic Surgeon will include an understanding of your skin type, degree of skin elasticity, ethnicity, age, detailed medical history and your mental and emotional attitudes to arrive at the type of face lift that might best suit you. Our surgeon will brief you of the technique involved, anesthesia etc.

At Chennai Plastic Surgery, our experienced surgeons analyze where the volume has been lost and the reasons behind the sagging, thereby providing a more apt treatment option and prepare the patient for realistic outcomes. Chennai Plastic Surgery offers excellent skin care options in addition to the surgery to address the sagging face.

What to expect before the procedure?

You will be advised to stop smoking at least four weeks before surgery. Besides, the surgeon shall advice you to avoid certain medications such as Aspirin (blood thinning agents).

How is the procedure performed?

At Chennai Plastic Surgery, the facelift surgery is performed under General Anaesthesia by our team of skilled Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeons. Following incision, the skin is raised and separated from the underlying fat and muscle. Fat is either cut out or suctioned out from the neck and chin region, while tightening the underlying muscles simultaneously. The surgeons will then pull the skin back, lift it, hold it in position and trim any excess skin before closing the incisions. In the male patients, incisions will be placed in such a way that it can accommodate natural beard lines.

There are various types of facelifts:

Mini Lift

  • Relatively less invasive
  • Uses smaller incision. S-shaped incision from the patient’s sideburn, around the ear, toward the bottom of the hairline.
  • Works on a smaller area of the face
  • Also referred to as “weekend facelift”
  • Less prominent results than a traditional lift


  • Works on lower third of the face
  • Uses smaller incision
  • Involves a smaller area
  • Recovery time is shorter


  • Tiny incisions in hairline above the ear and inside the mouth
  • Fat pads in the cheek pulled up to tighten sagging skin
  • Performed using an endoscope (tiny camera)

Tissue glue facelift:

  • The surgeon applies surgical glue (Fibrin Sealant) along the incision line instead of sutures
  • Improved recovery time

What to expect after the procedure

Following the procedure, dressing in the form of loosely wrapped bandages is done to protect the incision areas and minimize bruising and swelling. A small drain tube will be temporarily placed under the skin behind the ear to drain any fluid collection.

Patients experience some numbness around the ear lobes, face and neck for several weeks. Tightness of the mouth opening and tightness of the neck is a commonplace. The heavy dressing might give patients a sense of difficulty in breathing and swallowing. There may be small irregularities under the skin that will subside and resolve.

At Chennai Plastic Surgery, the patient is typically discharged the very same day. However, at the end of 24 and 48 hours, they may have to visit the center for our surgeon to redress and check for any fluid accumulation or infection. You will need to wait for at least 6 months for the complete healing.

Our clients are permitted to bathe and shower on day 3 following surgery. Care should be taken while combing hair. They are advised not to rub, wash or massage their face unless our surgeons advise to do so.

What are the risks associated with the procedure

Facelifts are safe. However, a loss of sensation along the incision sometimes occurs. Most often it is temporary and will settle in a few days. Very rarely, it could result in paralysis around the eyebrows and lower face resulting from nerve injury. The only sensible way to avoid such complications is to select an experienced and qualified surgeon. And following the surgeon’s instructions will help resolve the issues to a great extent.

Other than this, a few issues that might occur are:

  • Infections
  • Hair loss at incision site
  • Scarring

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Schedule a Consultation Today

For more information on our procedures or if you are interested in scheduling an appointment please reach us here, or by clicking on the QR code below. We will let you know if you are a good candidate for the procedure, and can recommend any additional treatments that can help you reach your beauty goals.


Are there any medical conditions that could cause problems during or after surgery?
Is a facelift only for aged individuals?
What are the precautions following a facelift?
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