Thigh Lift Surgery (Thighplasty) | Chennai Plastic Surgery

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Thigh Lift India

Thigh lift, also referred to as thighplasty is a procedure aimed at surgically reshaping your thigh and groin area. It improves contour and tightens the underlying tissue that support the fat and skin in these regions.

Indications for a thigh lift.

  • If you have significant excess skin along the inner, medial or outer thighs.
  • Poor skin quality in the thighs following bariatric surgery induced weight loss.
  • If you have experienced massive weight loss through dieting or exercise
  • If you have loose skin / cellulite in the thigh following pregnancy or due to ageing
  • If you have extreme skin laxity and sagginess of the thigh
  • If excess skin in thigh restricts mobility and cause rashes or infections

Patients closest to their desired or ideal body weight are suitable to undergo the procedure.

What to expect during the consultation?

At Chennai Plastic Surgery, our cosmetic / plastic surgeon will spend extensive time to understand your medical history and personal goals. Besides they shall assess your general health status, examine your thighs, discuss other possible treatment options, risks and finally suggest the recommended course of treatment. At times, if our surgeons feel that you are not close to your ideal weight, they may advise that you lose some more weight before you opt for the procedure. Feel free to clarify your concerns relating to the procedure during this time.

What to expect before the thigh lift surgery?

You will be advised to stop smoking for at least four weeks before surgery. Besides, the surgeon shall advice you to avoid certain medications such as Aspirin (blood thinning agents). You will be advised lab tests, the results of which will determine your readiness for the procedure.

How is the thigh lift surgery performed?

At Chennai Plastic Surgery, the procedure is performed under general anesthesia and can take between 1 to 2 hours.*Individual results may vary.


The incision pattern depends on the degree of correction desired.

  1. Medial Thigh Lift. Here an incision is placed in the groin, extending downward and up to the back of the thigh.
  2. Lateral Thigh Lift. For improving contours of the outer thigh, incision might have to extend from the groin around the hip.


Once the incisions are made, the preoperatively marked areas of excess skin just below the junction between the thigh and the pelvis is excised. The inner thigh skin is lifted and pulled upwards and sutured along the junction. Often, our surgeons will offer the option of combining the thigh lift with a tummy tuck, which is purely your choice. Incisions are often closed in multiple layers.

What to expect after the thigh lift surgery?

Following the procedure, dressing is applied along the sutured areas. Small drains tubes are temporarily placed under the skin to drain any excess blood. You will be encouraged to walk the next day and may require a day or two of hospitalization. You will be advised to wear customized compression garments for a couple of months to avoid hematomas and reduce swelling. Sutures, if any will be removed about 2 weeks following the surgery.

The results of a lift are visible almost instantly. But it would definitely take up to 3 or 6 months for the final results to show up. This procedure might require you to stay home for at least 3 to 4 weeks. You can resume exercise between 4th and 6th week. Once the swelling subsides and scars settle, you will be immensely pleased with your new look. It confers the additional advantage of improving the dimpled and irregular skin appearance.

What are the risks associated with the procedure?

You can anticipate 1. Bleeding 2. Infection 3.Poor wound healing 4.Fluid accumulation 5. Numbness 6. Pain 7. Asymmetries 8. Skin Loss 9. Swelling 10. Unfavorable scarring etc., all of which can be avoided by choosing the right surgeon. We advice our clients to immediately reach us if they are facing any unusual symptoms so that we can attend to any impending complication in a timely manner.

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For more information on our procedures or if you are interested in scheduling an appointment please reach us here, or by clicking on the QR code below. We will let you know if you are a good candidate for the procedure, and can recommend any additional treatments that can help you reach your beauty goals.