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Chennai Plastic Surgery Blog

Dr. Satish Vyas, The Mentor of Dr. Karthik, Has Passed Away

We are sad to say that Dr. Karthik’s long-time mentor, Dr. Satish Vyas, has passed away. Dr. Vyas was like a father to Dr. Karthik and was extremely influential in his life. During his lifetime, Dr. Vyas dedicated himself to the study of plastic surgery and to helping others. He started his medical training at […]

Rejuvenate Your Face with a Liquid Facelift

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While surgery is the best way to turn back the clock ten years and restore the smooth and youthful beauty of your face, some people only have mild signs of aging on their face. If a facelift is a bit too drastic of a choice, non-surgical options can be very effective. Products like Juvederm and […]

Breast Augmentation: Waiting Until You Are Done Having Children

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Are you interested in breast augmentation but want to know if there is a right time to have surgery? There are a few factors that you should consider before choosing to undergo surgery, and one of these is having children. Do you plan on having children? If so, it is best that you wait on […]

How to prepare your skin before a chemical peel

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Adequate priming of the skin for at least 2-4 weeks prior to peel and discontinuing 3-5 days before the procedure is of vital importance.[5] Priming is done by application of depigmenting agents such as hydroquinone or retinoic acid and use of sunscreens. Patient should be instructed not to bleach, wax, scrub, massage or use depilatories […]

Do You Have Sunken Undereyes?

Have your eyes started to look more hollowed and sunken as you have gotten older? The reason for this is simple. As you age, volume is slowly lost in the face. When volume loss occurs in the areas underneath the lower eyelids, it causes the skin to sink, which give the eyes an aged and […]

What Can I Do About My Unsightly Mole?

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Sometimes it’s the smallest of issues that seem to really get stuck in our minds. Have you ever had a mole or skin tag that made you feel self-conscious about your appearance? It’s small things like this that can have a big impact on our self-image. At Chennai Plastic Surgery, we understand that even the […]


Smoker’s lines are developed when the muscle around the mouth is active during puckering, like when you smoke a cigarette. These are deep lines around the mouth. However smoking is not the only time our muscles around the mouth make this movement. These lines around the mouth are formed the same way as the lines […]

Debunking Hair-Loss Myths

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While the internet can be a great resource for learning, it can be easy to end up with misleading, unverified, and false information. This is especially true when it comes to common myths about the causes of hair loss. You might have come across some sites that state that common causes of hair loss include […]

You Don’t Have to Let Your Thinning Hair Ruin Your Self-Confidence

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Whether you’re young or old, losing your hair can be a difficult thing to deal with. Your hair plays a big role when it comes to your overall appearance, and unless your preferred hairstyle is a shaved head, you want as much hair to work with as possible. If you’re bothered by the thinning appearance […]

Understanding the Kind of Results Liposuction Provides

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One of the best ways to guarantee that you will be satisfied with the results of a procedure is by understanding what the procedure is designed to accomplish. A lot of people have the impression that liposuction is a viable weight-loss procedure, but this is not the case. Liposuction does involve the removal of excess […]

2017 WhatClinic Patient Service Award Badge RealSelf Top Doctor Cosmetic Surgery Badge Top Doctor Recognition for Breast Augmentation Top Doctor Recognition for Gynecomastia Surgery Top Doctor Recognition for Rhinoplasty Surgery Top Doctor Recognition for Tummy Tuck Surgery Award for Top Liposuction Specialist Recognized in RealSelf Top 500 (2015) 2017 Patient Service Award by WhatClinic